Wednesday, February 24

Sunday, February 21

Wednesday, February 17


Today my package comes. I just hope someone is home to sign. Portrait lens, flash.. new goodies. Yay!

Tuesday, February 16





Sunday, February 7

Saturday, February 6

Western Technosites Review

Review: Western Technosites

Presentation: I would give the presentation 3.5 out of 5 stars. I liked the clips that held the prints to the wall. I did not like the ink jet prints, or how all the prints were not similar sizes. I think I would have liked the prints mounted on metal scraps or clay slabs.

Likes: I really enjoyed Western Technosite #71 at Folsom Lake. I would have to say that the navy wheel stuck in the ground looked very realistic. I couldn’t see any edit marks on the print. I also liked Technosite #64 at Consumnes. This print is really nice because it has a reflection on the water of the wheel object, with trees all around. It has the object placed in nature that makes it look the most natural.

I did not find this series terribly inspirational. I am not a big fan of a lot of editing and changing the dynamics of the original image. I did however love the life size shovel as part of the series.