Wednesday, February 17


Today my package comes. I just hope someone is home to sign. Portrait lens, flash.. new goodies. Yay!


J. G. Clark Photography said...

You are with Nikon, right? What lens did you decide to get?

Rachel Christine Photography said...

I went with the Tamron 28-75 2.8 macro.. I love it.

J. G. Clark Photography said...

Oh very nice! How much did that run you?
A macro lens is on my list of equipment, but first I would like to get an upgrade all-around lens. So I am looking at the Canon 24-105 f4. I WISH it were a 2.8... I bet you are loving it with that focal range, huh? Lucky!
Have you bought from Tamron before?

Rachel Christine Photography said...

No I haven't bought Tamron before, but after talking to a few people, and the fact that the Nikkor of the same size runs almost $2000, I opted for the Tamron at $500.