Wednesday, March 31

My Diptychs!

I loved this project.


~Emata said...

I would have to say my favorite is the one of the candy and the flowers. Another thing where did you get those shots of the orangutan?

Rachel Christine Photography said...

They were taken at the Sacramento Zoo.

Jenn S. said...

I think that I like the diptych with the candy and the tulips the most, because the colors fit so well with each other. I like the cat pictures also too.

Anonymous said...

the tulips and candy are nice because the colors go together. very nice.

Anonymous said...

Very good job on all of them. You show us all up!

BUG said...

the first one with the purple is so eye -catching . its really great.

DAlexander said...

Wow! Super duper colors! Is that ape smoking pot? I love them all.